
It's 11am and my Dad is at the beach and my sister is with my mom at the office so I'm all alone!

We went to Ala Moana yesturday, that big pretty mall. I forced Gina to go into Sephora, she doesn't like that store, for some, messed up reason (I love it). Then we went toHot Topic, where I was denied the Pippin/ Merry/ Orc action figure set. Even though pippin was a pretty badass looking doll. It was a little expensive for an action figure(s). And then there was this scary sales guy, who was wearing these huge platform shoes, so he was towering over everyone. Yes. And he has Legolas hair. But that didn't make him hot.


Yes, yes. So much fun was had. And then we went to old navy, played with the dog toys..Um, then had sushi. I had the thingy...thing..hmm..what's it called..It's fried tofu wrapped around rice and it's sooo yummy.

And that was basically it.

I was talking about Britney Spears in my last entry, and I swear, our own Honolulu Advertiser paper has totally hilarious reviews!!

Go read the "Crossroads" on here

hehe, it's sooo funny.

I should get dressed now :)



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0 Many thanks for buying produce!