It's about time I wrote an entry.

Anyway! I saw ICE AGE yesturday, it was funny, cute, stupid, predictable and short. A kids' flick. I was so mad! I wanted my other hour of movie. It was only an hour and a half! I guess I'm just used to really long movies.

Speaking of really long movies, Das Boot was on last night on TCM, all 5 and a half hours of the directors cut. Wowwy wowwy wow wow. I can't understand people who think that movie is boring. Well. Parts of it are boring. But then, boom boom. It's so sad I can hardly watch the ending.

I'm making a collage for the play, yay for me.

Short entry, sorry. I can't think of things to write. Too late. I promise a good one tomorrow.



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0 Many thanks for buying produce!