Hallo Dahhhlings!

I got bad poet reviewed, and they liked me! They really, really, liked me! Well, you don't belive me? Go look fer yerself!

Yeah so. I'm somewhat pleased with my layout alterations. Plus, that powerpuff bad guy ("him" I think) is my favorite. It's either this one, or I can make one with Samuri Jack, or Sid the Sloth.

I love Sid. I was thinking about him last night. He's is so facking funny. And he's cute. A cute little CGI facking funny sloth with a lisp! Could you ask for more??

I think not.

Anyway, I get to see Holly today :)

That's gonna be fun, so I may not be able to write an entry on friday, be warned.

Did I tell you guys about my collage? I didn't??? Well! It's very cool. I must say, I am pretty darn good at collages. They're much fun to make, but time consuming. I spent like, 5 hours making this one :P

That's basicly because I had 5 billion old mags to go through, and I had to pick stuff out that would match "the 5 senses" because the collage is for my play. Our play, I should say :P

But I love when you're finished with it, you know? You're all sweaty and nasty and covered in glue (or tape, but tape is for wussys) and you look at your finished collage, sighing. Your back aches like crap because you've been hunched over it all day, cutting, ripping and glueing.

I actually had to us a hot glue gun for my first 3 collages, and I don't really reccomend it.

First off, you have to smash it down on the cardboard super fast before the hot glue dries, but you have to be careful not to burn yourself, like I did :/

Then finally after dinner my dad let me walk to Safeway and buy some glue. Normal, white, cold glue. So my two bigger collages are more percise.

Now, people, you know what's hard??

Finding ear pictures in magizines, ooohhh yah.



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0 Many thanks for buying produce!