I get to go to acting in a half hour, weee!

Hey, what's with this me having dreams I actually remember? That are funky and awful at the same time??

My dream last night was like, I keep forgetting things. I forgot to go to acting, I forgot to watch Mystery Science Theatre, blah blah.

But, I felt so horrible that I forgot, because I was always reminding myself.

It's like I couldn't tell what day it was any more.

And then my old old non-friend was there, and some weirdo visitors for Canada, of all places.

Why? Why??

My stupid dream (fream, hahahahahahahah) dictionary doesn't have "forgot" or anything closely related in it. Well, screw it. I hope it dies.

Not that it's actually living..

my dad got a new cell phone today, I had fun playing with the ones in the store, heheh.

The sails guy was WEIRD though. Just plain weird.

look what I made!! :

Isn't that neat?? I could make one for YOU



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0 Many thanks for buying produce!