it's raining ketchup!


So much for poking a little hole in a ketchup and squeezing the red stuff out..well it worked at first. Then it stopped going and I squuueeezzed really really really really hard, and shut up, I know that was a bad idea, then it..

EXPLODED! It all went up, then went down. But thankfully not all on me.

Yeah so anyway. Didn't something blow up today? In NY? Oh. Well, I haven't been too sharp today. I went to bed at one and got up at six AM, what do expect?

Me and Gina are "hanging out" today :D I'm gonna go pick her up soon, I love my gina.

OH OH! I drew a monkey on my leg. He's holding a toothbrush and he has polka-dot trousers. He's so awesome..I think I'll name him Sejanus.

heheh! Sejanus is on my leeg, take that Claudius's evil sister! Muah! :P

(um sorry, I was watching I, Claudius yesturday)

And I realized I have a thing for stutters. I mean Ian Hart, now Derek Jacobi..squee.

Maybe it's the constant struggle that makes me love them so much. I don't know, but I have realized that stutters are


heheh, Sejanus is crawling up my leeg!

oh oh! I forgot to show you guys the


I made. It's a mesh of Me and Alan--it's just scary.

Anyway, time for milky to go back in the fridge!



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0 Many thanks for buying produce!