My sister let me know at dinner, that my entry's haven't really been

"Up to par"

Well, sorry guys. I just figured if I could finish a new layout, make it look nice, etc, that I would get back up to par and only have one or two crappy entrys.

Well. As you see it's taken me quite a while to even think about putting up some of the layouts I've been working on, so I guess this is an official apology?

hahahahah. ANYWAY!

I think I'm the only person in the world who hasn't seen Spider-Man. Gah. I should see it, I should see it tomorrow. Chances are I won't, but it's always better if you belive.

I didn't tell you guys that we may be moving to New Zealand.

Yes, New Zealand. MIDDLE EARTH.

So I'm pretty happy. But that means I may have to go there with my Dad sometime in june, and you will all miss me. I doubt. But anyway.

I'm going to get my haircut on Thursday, and I want to go short short. The thing is, I have a oval face, and I..I just don't know if it'll make my face look fat or what. So I'm debating. But I'd really love a guy cut that would dry fast, and...oh, I can smell the freedom already.

Damn my bones!

I'll just have to trust my hairdresser.

I had a pretty good day today. Somebody asked me if I had a spare ciggarette when I was at the brew today (sans Christina, who I later found home. We had nachos and watched the ugly people telling other ugly people that they weren't their babies father, hahahaha), and that sorta took me back.

Do I look old?


I'll be getting to work on that layout now, teehee.



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0 Many thanks for buying produce!