I swear, I like, just got up and realised it was 12pm, rushed downstairs wanting to know what the hell happened to my dad (because after a while he usually wakes me up) and he's gone out to lunch, which means, whooo, I can do computer stuff today.

Isn't being homeschooled messed UP?

Yeah, so, anyway. ON Sunday..I went to costco, yay. But, you know what I really hate? I hate it when you, say, drop something in a store (and it doesn't break, if it's glass) and then people behind you go :

"Oooh, drop the [enter product name] why don't you?"

And you kinna nod your head feeling even more stupid, and then, on top of THAT, they follow you around and mutter:

"Hah, I bet she's gonna drop that."


I wanted to kick them soooooooooooooooo

hard, it isn't even funny. But it was costco, yah know, so I retreated back to the book area with Sis. But if they think they've won..well, they've got something coming..


Um. Nevermind that.

I got the spider-man CD, and the new Moby CD. I like the spidey one. In fact, I think I'm obsessed with listening to the 'main titles' peice. It's just a really neat orchestration. And if I spelled orchestration wrong, kill me now, haha.



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0 Many thanks for buying produce!