I got a black skirt! Be envious. Oh, and, little tidbit for the day : Just because your skin is soft and smooth, doesn't mean you'll look good in a bikini in front of a dressing room mirror :/

I hate those dressing rooms. I think I should start a nation-wide uprising to ban them, or ban the friggin floresent lights. I mean, NO ONE LOOKS GOOD UNDER FLORESENT LIGHTS. And these people want to sell clothes? It's just stuuuuupid.

I really really want to rent platoon before I head off to New Zealand, and I want to watch it on a night when my parents are awwaaay. Out to dinner, you know.

Anyway, I'm getting some pictures developed (really really slow, because my mom just had to drop them off at safeway where they take a billion years, instead of longs, bleh) that I think I'll be able to scan. So.

milk pictures : coming soon :D

(you'll get to see my hair!)



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0 Many thanks for buying produce!