well now.

theater, theater, theater. I dropped Gina off, and Kristi took me aside, and we talked :

Kristi : "Hi, I'm really sorry we couldn't get you in."

Me: "oh, no one dropped out yet?"

Kristi: "No. And we're four people over-enrolled. We really want you in, but we can't."

Me: "So can I still be an intern for Stage 1?"

Kristi: "Well..I just have a feeling you'll want to be up here all the time (note: my friends and older kid's class is upstairs, leetle kids are downstairs).

Me: "No, no. I just want to hang out with theater people. I really want to do something."

Kristi: "I don't have any money to pay you, either."

Me: (thinking: What? Paid? What?) "Errm, It's ok. I wasn't expecting to get paid."

Kristi: "Oh. Well, let me talk to Tara about it, so we don't spring it on her (note: Tara brought it up, heh), but, if anyone does drop out, you're on the top of the list!"

Me: "Ok, cool." (me smiling)

Kristi: "I'll talk to Tara and then call you around 4:30, and if we don't reach you...call one of our cell phones."

Me: "Alright!"

Kristi: "I'm really sorry, Eugenia."

Me: "No, no, it's alright. Bye!"

Kristi : (nodding, smiling and walking away)

well now.

That MAY just be Kristi talking, because when she talked to my mom last week, she was very pessimistic. But, not that I blame her, she prolly just doesn't want to get my hopes up.

because the word on the street was that jamie wanted me for a scene..well, I don't really know anything for sure, now, do i?

hah. theater people. you either love them, hate them, or put up with them.

so I'll find out sooner or later.

oh, oh! take a look see at my blooming clique :

the sexy mob

it's obviously not done yet..and I'd reeeeally like your comments and suggestions. And if you want to make buttons..er..Work, slave, work!



-Milky, the..er..unsure.

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0 Many thanks for buying produce!