ugh. My dad has been really pissing me off lately, thank god mom is coming home tonight.

I mean, I don't like being pissed off at him, but he just makes it so I can't be. I am extremely happy that I wasn't around most of last week, because I would have probably killed myself. I mean, it's always like there's something wrong. Something that's not going his way. Well, guess what. It's like that with everyone. I mean, he said he missed me during the day when I was at interning, but then when I got home he didn't really seem to notice and/or care that I was actually home. It's like he lives to complain about me. And he hardly ever compliments me, tells me I'm good at things, etc. I know that's pushing it, but it would be nice to hear "it's good your working with kids" or something like that. But no. It's always:

"Why is that there?"

"Are you doing anything helpful?"

"When was the last time you did (blahblah)?"

"What? this isn't good enough for you?"

One thing that he says that really insults me, is when I get up to go to the bathroom or go to sleep, when we're watching a movie at night:

"Oh, I just thought you liked good movies. I guess I was wrong."

Jesus christ! Doesn't he get tired of complaining about me?

And then there's me wanting to go back to school, which he'll prolly never allow. It's like he wants to keep me all to himself, he gets (or pretends to) insulted when I got out with my friends.

It's like he really doesn't want me to have a life. He was totally against my interning, and he would give me crap about it every time he could.

ahhhhhh. this makes me to angry. I'm really sorry to dish this out on you guys, but it's been on my mind this whole week.

I almost want parents who don't care.



update : I was just thinking about it, and I realise that I'm being a little harsh, but that's just the way I feel right now. I like my dad a lot sometimes, but right now, he's getting to me. It's probably because my mom is gone and stuff, but still.

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