hi everyone.

today is the first day of school for the rest of the the school-attending population. See, school started a few weeks earlier for other people, and now the rest are just starting.

I have mixed feelings about this. I feel so totally left out of everything, but then I have to ask myself, is that important? Because, I know for a fact, I'd be so incredibly ignorant, of everything, if I had stayed at mid-pac. I also would have had a lot more emotional trama, etc. I didn't really like anyone there anyway..but I liked belonging, you know? having my own little grade with my own little home room, my special little binder, etc. That's selfish of me, and stupid, but I really do miss it, and man. It's just so vexing. What do I do now? ramble on through being homeschooled, belonging to nothing except my family, which does mean something, yes, but as we all know, it's not the same.

ahhh. Enough about my feelings, I know well enough they're boring and unfunny.


ohhhhh, man. I watched Law & Order : CI last night, recorded, thanks cris.

oh man . That show is so good. Vincent can act the pants off of everyone in that show, and they're pretty good.

that's who I wanna be when I grow up.



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0 Many thanks for buying produce!