I've started feeling really weird lately. Like, I'm really tired, and not hungry---at all. this happened like, yesturday, and I just can't explain it. Take today for instance :

I woke up at a normal hour, after sleeping well (ie, not waking up) and got dressed and had a half a bowl of oatmeal at around 10am (i wasn't hungry) then I went with my mom to run errands, we finally got lunch at around 1pm. I had a half a 6" tuna sandwich from subway. I wasn't that hungry. Then at the usual time I want a snack, around 4 hours later, I am so not hungry it isn't even funny. I just had a small amount of dinner. I'm not hungry, I'm mostly thirsty.

but I am so freakin tired. Maybe I'm developing a disorder? this is weird, because I usually eat when I'm bored, or get hungry when I'm bored, which probably explains why I could stand to lose around 10lbs, if I wanted to be skinny-fied. I used to be focused on it, but now it isn't that important to me. I mean, I can run medium distances without dying, I can walk anywhere near my house, etc. As long as I don't gain any weight, I really stopped caring.

BUT, what the hell? I'm just not hungry. It's probably a good thing, and my mom told me I was lucky. I am a growing teenager, so you know, it may be a phase.

It's come on rather rapidly, and that's why it's sorta freaking me out. I'm just not hungry! weird. extremely weird.

I'll keep you posted. Oh, and please, if any of you might know what this could be, PLEASE let me now via guestbook, notes or e-mail. I'm just rather curious to why I'm not hungry anymore. I mean, I eat enough to get through the day, but it's a lot less then I usually ate, say, two days ago. I don't feel sick, either. Like I have a fever or am coming down with something. i'm. just. not. hungry.


I've decided to start up milk-designs (new layout in progress) again, and get myself listed on Beautify. I mean, I have to do something, I'm not snacking anymore. tee.



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0 Many thanks for buying produce!