ok, so today really, really, really sucked. Maybe staying up till 12am to watch L&O : CI will make it better, but I'm wondering if that will just make it worse.

(ie, parents get real annoyed and yell.)

Let's see. It started out ok, and along the way I got to play with my friend's digi cam (pictures coming soon) and we had a good enough lunch at maui tacos, but from there on, the day went from bad to wooorse.

the sister got dropped off for her thing that she does every friday, so she missed out. haha.

My friend's mom was annoying her, and being in the car the same time there's a mother-daughter spat going on ain't a good time, let me tell you. The my friend and I escaped her mom and went to longs. then we walked to the bathroom, and there was this weird guy in front of us, who went in first (it was unisex). We heard strange banging noises coming from the bathroom, THEN, after THAT, he trots out of the bathroom and says to us :

"Whoooose next?!"

oh. my. god. that's just too disturbing, you don't even know. funny and disturbing. shiver shiver.

then we went and looked in ross, that has THEE skanky-est smelling dressing rooms EVER (stale b.o...ewww) and I had no money, so it was no fun.

it was also soooo damn hot. so so so hot. we got a drink in the burger king drive through and we accidently insulted the burger king worker guy, so after giving us our drinks, he SLAMMED the window shut.


now I'm home, waiting around until L&O : CI comes on. I'm such a dork.



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0 Many thanks for buying produce!