wow. sometimes I really hate my life, sometimes it's like the best ever.

I wish I had nothing to worry about.


You know what I was thinking, those button things on the poles next to crosswalks? you know, they don't do anything. They say "press here to walk" or something, and you press, and it takes the exact same time for the light to change if you hadn't of pressed the button. I'm convinced they aren't attached to anything. I think the buttons are just there to make us think we're helping the situation. The optomist would say that this is a good thing, even though it doesn't make any actual difference, it just makes you feel like it is. But I'm not feeling optimistic today.

gah, I think the pomade I put in my hair last night leaked into my brain and made my thoughts all sticky.

I watched 'The Salton Sea' last night, and I enjoyed it. I'm very innocent when it comes to drugs, so you could say it was slight learning experience. Anyway, I enjoyed watching Vincent D'Onofrio play a fat, pyscho, noseless meth dealer nicknamed 'pooh bear'. that was just so cool

the first two weeks of theaterfest are over, I can't belive time goes so fast sometimes. Next monday we start having real rehersals with our cast, not with everyone else. I hope I can pull this off.



PS, the picture in the last entry was me, there was some confusion there.

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0 Many thanks for buying produce!