i think my sister and mother just did about the most disgusting thing EVER. They ate day-old chinese food. dim sum, to be exact. I swear. It's just something I really don't want to wintness again...just. disgusting. Never ever ever ever eat old chinese food in front of me. NEVER.

anyway. Yesturday when I was 'surfing the 'net' I came across an insult :


ok, I suppose it's one way to say retarded bitch, but, not only does it make the person who says it a "bitch", it also makes them sound like a "tard". my point is that stay with the good old, tried-and-true insults, because this new stuff really sucks.

oh yes. I also rented the cell (again) but this time. it's a dvd. and. it has. deleted scenes. Don't worry, I'll tell you alll about them. It's partly costume research, 'cause I'm going to be a doll for halloween.

you don't have to tell me, I know it's cool.



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0 Many thanks for buying produce!