Alright. So, a week ago today sherri dropped out of the play. I could make this into a long, drawn out story, but simply, Isa took her place and 21 hours of rehersal later, our first performance on monday was awesome. I've been quite busy, to say the least, but I would like to point out that somehow I managed to see Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets the friday it came out.

go ME.

Right now I'm "resting" because tomorrow we have another two performances in the morning, and man, do those take a lot out of me. If anyone has ever been on stage, in a play, playing an insane character whose emotions change so quickly, "resting" is rather important.

I've also gotten the internet back up at my place, so expect a new layout soon. I'm thinking Colin Creevey, but then some people might think I'm a child molester, when really, he's the character I most relate to.

besides, he's quite cute. For a 11 year old boy. ahem.

oh, and, my dad thinks someone is brewing "crack or meth or something" in a bathtub above or below us, because my parent's bathroom has this strange anti-freeze odor..

souds like a job for the mystery squad!



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0 Many thanks for buying produce!