On saturday I went to young at art, and spent the whole day doing theatre games I've done a million times before. It was fun but very tiring. I spent the night at my friends house, where we became ghetto fab fraggles. Then, on sunday, we saw Catch me if you can, where we were suprise attacked by like 40 teenagers who decided to either sit next to us, in front of us, or behind us. We moved. They spent the whole movie yelling out the LAMEST things, ie, "OH MY GOD HE'S RUNNING AWAY AGAIN!". It's true.

Then I went home where I was informed by my dad that I was coming along with him and my sister, and maybe my mom, to a trip to the states to look at colleges. I'm not sure which states, but I'll let you know. I kinda knew this, and I told the young at art gods, they said it would be OK if I only missed three and that it had to be in early feb. Well, It's going to be in late Feb to Early March and I'll probably miss more then 3. So I can't do YAA, to the dissapointment of some of my good friends.

Anyway. I forgot to mention that I got offered a JOB at hot topic based on looks alone. umm. I could sell big black shower curtains with skulls on them, how punk rock. not.

alright, yesturday :

I woke up early. I decided to clean my mice cage, because they were getting smelly. I took them downstairs so my mom could help me get the mice out, since they were still very wild and hard to catch. We caught the first better mouse fine, but the second one who was always a little more wild, was terrible to catch. I finally got her, and then, whilst trying with all our might to get in a little mouse holder, she but my mother and then she bit me. Hard. Hard enought to draw blood. This has never, ever happened to me with any mouse before, and I've had a lot of mice. We threw her back in the cage and that was that. My mom dropped them off at the humane society today. I'm sad about it now, but then, there really wasn't anything I could do.

Anyway. The rest of the day :

I went to the Aqarium with my mom, and that was nice. I haven't been there in a long time, so that was fun. I want a big tank full of Nautilus, that's now my dream. they rock the casbah. Then we went to the mall, where I saw my friend holly, that was nice too. I got this 80% off pinstriped jacket, so now I can look professional. hah.

we went home and I mentally passed out.

In other news, I've decided to take piano lessons. See, we actually HAVE a piano, and it never gets played, and I only really know how to play twinkle twinkle little star, how sad is that, etc, so I need to learn Bach or something, so I can show off. ahem.

I think I've written too much. This entry isn't entertaining, sorry. It's just bulk information. heh.



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0 Many thanks for buying produce!