hey, ok, I'm finally going to write a real entry. I went back to young at art on saturday, and to my surprise and delight, lots of people dropped out, meaning that it wasn't going to be a play full of 3 million people who don't know what they are doing. So, that was good. So I'm staying. Which is nice.

First on Sunday I was going to see confessions of a dangerous mind, but no, then it was catch me if you can, uh uh, finally I went and saw Gangs of New York, again, with my mom. I actually enjoyed it more this time. It didn't seem so long, and daniel day-lewis is like, super hot


he is too. so hot. so so so so.

And then there's the part where he's like one of the greatest actors ever, so.

(PS. he should have been naked in that movie. yes.)

Hey, I'm going to fabric mart this afternoon and then I'm totally going to learn how to use my sewing machine, and I'm going to make some badass threads. yo.

Anyway, this entry is boring, don't worry, I'll have a new layout + better entrys soon. OH, and thank you for those awesome shots. You. are. the. shit.

I'm getting excited about valentines day. for some reason. mmm, mmm.



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0 Many thanks for buying produce!