hi everyone! welcome to my new layout. I like this one much better, sort of. I mean, the table on the last one pissed me off very until I just couldn't stand it anymore and made this. It's like, when dinosaurs ruled the earth, roowrr! And those hearts out there, yes, that one that doesn't look like al pacino or daniel day-lewis is me, because it's like, we didn't exist back then, but we did in floating black and white hearts. er.

so nothing much is new except now I have BANGS!

And most of you have seen these but what the hey :


yeah, so, everyone likes them I think except my dad is like

"well, I don't know if that's the look you want to go for."


oh man, fathers can be so cryptic sometimes.

in other news, nothing much is new. So, er, tell me what you think about bangs/dinosaurs, and please don't be as cryptic as my father.



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