I feel very healthy right now, not like this weekend, where I felt extremely sick. no comment.

I went down to the library with my fadda, where I then checked out five books :

1. weetzie bat, FLB

2. witch baby, FLB

3. i was a teenage fairy, FLB

4. the tao of pooh, BH (I was the first one to check this out! go meeeee to the extreme!)

and last

5. The Complete Guide to Mysterious Beings, JAK.

I plan on using book #5 to get a halloween costume idea from. Also, the book better have me in it, and if it doesn't, I am going to write a letter to this "John A. Keel" (if that IS his real name) telling him how no book about mysterious beings is complete without listing me. Then, I will proceed to bitch at him, ie, 'you maddafucking ass, why didja not include mee, yah sonnaofbitch?!' or something like that.

THEN I walked over to the thrift store, bought a 62 cent catwoman shirt that is much to large for me, but will turn into a bag sometime in the near future. After that, I managed to cross the street and not kill myself, it is seriously hard to do that in kailua, for some reason people here think 25mph means 70mph. I wandered around in Longs Drugstore, where I bought an overpriced Elle magazine for more research on my models, and some nifty blue and white liquid eyeliner which I plan to wear while reading book #1, 2 & 3.

OH and in the thrift store I saw the cutest mormons in the WORLD. there was this one who was sooo insanely cute I wanted to go up to him and ask him if he was a mormon, but I got scared because it was totally obvious he WAS a mormon and there were two other non-cute mormons with him. sigh. he was the most gorgeous mormon I have ever seen. I wonder if his name was fredo..?

Anyway, now I have lots of reading/sewing to do, so I will leave you wiithh thiisss :

"Ouch!" said Pooh, landing on the floor.

"That's what happens when you go to sleep on the edge of the writing table," I said "You fall off."

"Just as well." Said Pooh.

"Why's that?" I asked.

"I was having an awful dream." he said.


"Yes. I'd found a jar of honey...," he said, rubbing his eyes.

"What's awful about that?" I asked

"It kept moving," said Pooh "They're not supposed to do that. They're supposed to sit still."

"Yes, I know."

"But whenever I reached for it, this jar of honey would sort of go somewhere else."

"A nightmare," I said

"Lots of people have dreams like that." I added, reassuringly.

"Oh," said Pooh "About unreachable jars of honey?"

- from book #4, pg 98

that is like the cutest thing in the world. I HATE disney for destroying Pooh.



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0 Many thanks for buying produce!