happy friday the 13th!

in other news, I am exhausted. I was real tired last night, but you see, Amelie was on the television and I've been wanting to see that since forever. And I know I need to put a little ' in Amelie's name but I'm not going to so there. So I stayed up late watching it and it put me in this real weird mood, which I am still trying to get out of. I also think Amelie was to blame for my weird swimming pool - french class dream. It was terrible because I thought for hours after I had it that it actually happened. Yeah. weird. It was weird. But now I really want to learn french because of that movie. And I wanna go back to Paris and buy a little apartment and draw blue arrows on the ground and steal gnomes and stuff like that.

Then, after that, there was this show on the Discovery health channel about the flesh-eating disease. AND THEY HAD PICTURES. and I was like, dear lord, please, never ever ever ever let me get the flesh-eating disease. EVER. And I am never moving to Texas because 1. it's ugly and awful and I would die living there & 2. THEY'VE HAD LIKE, FLESH-EATING EPIDEMICS IN AUSTIN. I'M SERIOUS. never ever ever. sorry, no. I don't want my flesh to be eaten by the "wiley" guy otherwise known as strep. (I think I spelt that right.) Anyway, yeah, the flesh-eating disease is this crazy form of strep. like, the evil twin or something. Or, like the really evil twin, since strep alone is pretty bad.

anyway, I'm hungry and it's lunch time. SNAIL RETURNS IN 2 DAYS!



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0 Many thanks for buying produce!