new entry OMG!

So I'm taking a kung fu class and I've almost gotten over my, uh, completely dominating obsession. Although I fear it may return. Anyway.

I had a dream last night that I had gotten a tattoo, on my arm , in the spot where all the biker guys get 'MOM' scrawled. I don't think my dream went into me actually getting the tattoo, but apparently I did willingly, and, uh, a few weeks (years?) later I am mortified. It was like a forgot about the tattoo, and just discovered it one day.

And you know what the tattoo was? It was like, this Parrot with a rainbow backround, and the word "Roeper" on the bottom, in one of those ribbon-style name things. I have no fucking clue what any of this means, and just, like, the thought of me getting a tattoo that retarded is frightening. Let's move on.

I saw the remake of the Ladykillers today, and I was like omg tom hanks is hottt. As some of you may recall, I, uh, really like tom hanks. So go see it, but try and see the Alec Guinness original. It doesn't have rap music.

I plan to keep this up, too, if you were wondering. And fix everything else so it matches the new lame layout.



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7 Many thanks for buying produce!