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Wooow. I'm the badest ass fraggle there is.


I went to the beach again today.

It was very hot, and I was very thirsty.

But it was soooo pretty.

The water was completely flat and crystal (sorta :P) clear.


For the far away and dark profile shots

of the hobbits they use little people.

As for when Legolas, Aragorn and all those other people are behind them, They're standing on boxes.

I'm pretty sure.

tehe! I'm as tall as Elijah Wood!

That's sooo peachy, isn't it?

Mmm.. He's pretty..


I know, I know, crappy entry. I really think I outdid myself for my last entry, so if you aren't happy, go back and read it again :P

Regards, (pooh!)


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