You horrid thing, you. Steal *my* Pippin..I'll teach you..


By the way, you're scroll bar thingy doesn't work on my puter. So put all the milky info at the top, ok?


Make me sad, can't read all of the entry.


Daniel wanted me to feel his butt today in acting.


...I did.


No, seriously, he's a little creepy


But he has a hard butt.


But, I don't really *care* that much about the hardness of people's butts.

But it's always a plus?

Had much fun in acting, as always.


Time always goes soo fast for me these days, I swear.

I really wish I was normal..

I mean, going to school and all.

I'm so torn about it.

It's *better* being homeschooled, I know, but I guess I just miss school.

And the problem with Homeschool, when you've just started it, it feels like you can't get anything done.

Instead of like at school, when you have someone tell you you're done.


I had a very strange dream last night.

It had Ian Hart in it.

No, people, not like that.

Little Goblins..:P

He looked like..Ian Hart.

Sorry, anyways, It was strange..

Like, I was watching this all happen :

Ian Hart driving truck. Big mud thingy in road. Traffic stops, big mud thingy is spewing up dead bodies. Ian Hart gets out and looks around with the other people coming out of there cars. Highway workers are pulling bodies out of the way, some bodies have shovels in their heads.

I wake up, and wonder where the hell that came from..

eh heh.

I'm seriously tired, but, We're going out to eat.

I feel bad, I couldn't give Gina a ride home..

*hugs Gina*


(make it better?) heh.

I must see LOTR with her Tomorrow!

I'd want Queeny to come, so I could

bitch bitch bitch


whine whine whine

about her Pippin (stealer!) layout :P

No, no, just poking yah, dear.

it's mui :D

I realize I slowly make the person who I complain to about hot guys like them too.

"It is my gift, and my curse.."

Have fun little sharkies!

(actually, the layout is really nice, and I'm glad you used that picture, because it's especially nice ;D)


-Jealous Milky

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0 Many thanks for buying produce!