I know. I know. Online quizzes don't make good entrys.

But these are SO cool :P

You're a hobbit gone bad. Apparently you can

redeemed of the corruption of the Ring, but considering
you murdered your best friend to get the Ring
in the first place, one has to wonder.
Advice: Try Sam's taters. They're not bad.

What Lion King Character are You? by Prism.

Take the Concubine Quiz at Scared Ducky!

bah. I am SOOOO tired today.

Sorry Christina, can't come over. I'm tired and I have to eat dinner, plus you're number washed off my arm

eh heh.


Little tidbit for the day:

DON'T Pop ballons that are in your shirt next your chest.

IT REALLY hurts.

Regards (i'll update later when I'm not so tired),


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0 Many thanks for buying produce!