
Eh, I should be watching Mystery Science theatre..

Oh, well.

It'll be on for another..Mm..2 hours.

Anyway! I hate to make this a bad entry, but, It might just turn out to be. Nothing much has changed since last night..I did take a shower, though.

So now my hair is all soft and pretty and Mmm..

I don't really remember any of my dreams..

But I did have this freaky dream last last night..

About stirring soup. Except the soup looked like melted cheese. I got in trouble because I wasn't stirring the soup correctly.

But I was mad, because nobody ever told me the proper way to stir was with a Men's dinner Jacket!!!


Oh, sorry..

It went on like that, is all.

I looked in my dream dictionary for 'soup' and 'stirring', but they had neither.


So I'll never know the meaning of this dream.

It'll haunt me forever.

...Not really, but, that sounds dramatic :P

Mmm, I better eat some food, or else my stomach will hurt allll throoough classs.

Did I mention no one else is up?




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0 Many thanks for buying produce!