Eh hem.

I watched Spy Kids and The Shadow of the Vampire last night, hence the creepy picture of Willy Dafoe.

Now, Spy Kids is a really good family movie. It's cute, and parts of it are funny (mostly corny) and Alan Cumming is soooo amazingly cute. He would have been ever cuter if he had his native Scottish accent, but it was still good ;) I urge all you people to go rent Spy Kids just for the Alan Cumming cuteness. And the hot jacket thing that he wears.

The Shadow-Vampire flick is a good adult (duh) flick, but the ending is muchos weird. I mean, I know it's supposed to show that the Director was a psycho, but really. I wanted the Vampire guy to live, because he was sooo cool. Yeah, so, he kills the cute camera guy. He killed that bitchy lady, and that was great. Bitchy lady baaad. So, go see that movie if you wanna see a weirded out scary flick. But before, you should watch Nosferatu, the silent movie their filming in Shadow-Vampire. It's the scariest Vampire flick, ever. EVER. If you think Willy Dafoe looks creepy in that picture, the Vampire in Nosferatu is..Mm..Scary.

Anyway, I thought it was great having Eddie Izzard play the star of the silent film. He's so funny. Even when he's not supposed to be. heh.

Mm..Since I'm on about movies, I think the best action flicks are the Dirty Harry movies. I love them, they're all good flicks. But, for some reason they always have to have one or two naked chicks in them. But either they die, or only have weeny parts, so it's ok :P



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