Hi, hi!

I just got back from luncheon. Yes, I think I'm gonna call it luncheon now, even though I'm not sure if it's spelled right? Oh well. I had a strange dream last night, which I can't even hardly remember. But it was about Elves. I couldn't sleep very well last night, also. I was reading my lovely Entertainment Weekly, and I was so engrossed in all of the lovely articles I didn't need sleep. And then they had this picture of Guy Pearce, which I decided to rip out, because I was staring at it for too long in the magizine. It's now happily pinned to the corkboard over my bed, hanging out with my Alan Rickman collage, picture of Anthony Hopkins from the TV (ok, I just had to take a picture of the TV. The Elephant Man, anyone? mm mm mmm), and my coloring book picture of Snape and Quirrell chatting, and my Lord of the Rings mini-poster, and other things. So now I can wave to Guy when I walk in and out of my room (which is a wee bit messy, I should re-vamp it soon)!!! So I'm happy.

I also cut my nail(s). Remember when I said I was going to grow out one hand's nails? And have that be my evil hand like Quirrell in that picture? Well, I did. Most of them broke off, or stopped being pointy, so I really only had one long and pointy-ish one left, which was getting a little nasty. So I chopped it off, muahaha! It's all gone. So now my nails are bright pink, and man, it's waaaay easier to type!

Now. Let's talk computer games, shall we? The only computer games I really play(ed) is all the Tomb Raider ones. No, it's not some Girl Power thing, it's just that the game is pretty fun. Lara Croft is a WIMP, too! I mean, without her guns, she can't do anything to defend herself except RUN. I mean, she can't kick, punch or strangle anyone. Siiigh. But other than that, I can't really see why guys get such a big kick playing the game. I mean, you can only really see her butt....heh. But it's fun.

Onward to the X-files game. This game is really really really long and confusing, and the aim of it is to find Mulder and Scully, who are missing. You're this really annoying FBI guy, and really, there is so much detail it isn't even funny. But I'm stuck at this one part, where I'm supposedly sneaking up on these bad guys at night with my gun out and all, and I ALWAYS GET SHOT! NO MATTER WHAT! Even if I start shooting first! So the X-files game isn't fun :/ because I die and I can't figure out how to cheat. But it is pretty fricking funny when you shoot the Assistant Director ass man. Hahaha, I'm strange. Ahh..but then you get arrested and it's game over. You can't even hide out in the lockers.


That was long. I hoped you learned something, or else I wasted your time.

tee hee hee.



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