
Queeny, check your mail ;)

I hope that explains.

Anyway. I need some help! Studying for a math final sucks ass . Really really really it does. I envy people who are finished with school. Yeah, so, I'm down with everything except graphing equasions, because those are just evil. If anyone is good at that, please, do the world a favor and leave me a note or e-mail me (find the link below). That would kick ass.

Yeah, so. I was crying and being mad at myself this morning. I wish things would either speed up or slow down. Because for some insane reason I feel that my life is half over. That I should have moved on to bigger and better things...

Crap ..

I'm having a midlife crisis at 14, whose sick idea was that, huh?!

I want to go watch Remains of the Day on TCM in 20 mins. because I saw the end of it millions of years ago, and I'd like to see all of it now.

Plus, there's that Anthony Hopkins factor.

OHHH!! Speaking of movies, you know what was on TBS last night?!

Das Boot, was..the:

horrible, dubbed, edited bad bad bad bad version that shouldn't be aloud to exist!!!

I swear, I would watch parts of it and yell "NO! That's not what he said! NO! that's a different part! NO! they cut out blah blah! NOOO!!"


I'm just weird like that.



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0 Many thanks for buying produce!