I didn't tell you guys that I plucked. I plucked!! It's true, I plucked my eyebrows.

Shut up .

Anyway, I haven't really ever plucked my eyebrows, because, alas, I have my mom's dissapearing brows.

It kinda sucks. Because the front part of the brow is dark, and then is just gets lighter! So you almost can't see the end. I mean, In like 5th grade girls would come up to me and giggle and ask me if I had plucked my eyebrows. And I was like, no, you freaks, why the hell would I do that??? But I couldn't convince them that I hadn't plucked my brows, that they just dissapeared naturally.

bah. So anyway. I did it, it's all over. I almost thought I would have no eyebrows left, but they actually turned out pretty good. Since I cant have really archy borws (sigh) because of the lack of actual hairs I have, I didn't have much to work with. So I have the eternal youthish look. It's not bad. My mom says they look nicer but they make me look sad. My sister agrees.


I'm wearing a butterfly on my inner cheek, Yay! I love those easter egg stickers.

I want food, I'm hungry. It's lunch time too.

Awww, did I tell you I missed my Willem Dafoe? I got too carried away watching Kids in The Hall, and forgot that my coming attractions show was still on. So I didn't get to see him trasform into evil greeeeen man.

I swear, the trailors they have on that show ARE SO FACKING OLD.

It's like, I go to the movies, I've seen these trailors a billion million times!! I want something new! aaaagh, the trailor that I got super tired of was that Dumb "the Majestic" one. Ugh. That was packaged with Harry Potter. And I saw that, what? 5 times?

I'm such a loser. Harry Potter is like one of the worst movies. Everyone who says it's good is either below age 9 or still in deniel.

I only watch it for my Ian Hart and Alan Rickman, even though it's more of a better Ian Hart movie than an Alan Rickman one.

Poor guys.



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