I had a very scary creepy where-the-hell-did-that-come-from dream last night.

I was with some celebrity..and my sister..I can't really remember who the celebrity was..Some blonde haired boy. Nobody I cared to much about, obviously.

So anyway, it started at this mall..I don't really remember much from that part except looking at night gowns..Then we left the mall, and kicked some dirty guy out of his car who was also famous.

So anyway, that isn't the point. Then we wen't to his house.

Then a big T-rex started coming down the street!!!

It was scary!! But see, I've had this dream before. A lot of stuff happened, we were running away from the Rex..

And there was really pretty blue water that I almost jumped into to get away from the dino.

And then there was other weird parts of the dream--but see, I've had this dream before!!

Scary, no?

By the way, I'm much better now, somewhat thanks to Mel :D

Who told me the most awsomest joke in the whole world.

"What's brown and sticky?"

"A stick!"

I love it!

You know, I have to write an entry about my say-hi-and-I'll-kill-you-with-my-flying-mega death-hands. People (Gina, Christina, others :P) have brought up that I use my hands to express things, a lot. In big ways, so, instead of being insulted, like the last time someone brought it up (1st grade) (I have a good memory, yah :P)

I'm actaully making fun of myself.

It's true, haha.



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