No no no, I didn't die. But, I did get my hair cut really really short. Which is almost the same thing.

Yesturday, at least. I was freaking out.

"My Hair..gone..My HAIR!"

But now I like it, and loads of people have complimented me on it. Which is peachy.

Anyway. I must tell you about my dream I had a few nights ago. It's weird, so you're gonna get confused.

So, I was me, even though I had the body of Elijah Wood (no, I didn't do sick twisted things like--shut up :P) and it was like "behind the scenes" in the Fellowship.

Everyone was an ass to me! For some reason I was in a cart/bike thing that I had to power, while all the rest of them (I only remember boromir and legolas) we on horses and going muchos faster.

And then, for some reason, I had to break into a candy shop? Because they were selling my candy in a bad way? And then I saw my friend Gina..And she asked me if I was an easy lay.

I think she was talking to the Elijah me. But either way, the dream was pretty disturbing.

Oh my. I'm having YOUR dreams. :P

My hair. Back to my hair. I like it now. I like it..I like it a lot.

If I had made an entry yesturday it wouldv'e been something along the lines of :



Anyway. I saved a stray kitten today. The poor dear was squirming across the road and got to the curb, and my mom pulled over and I grabbed her. She was terrified. But luckly someone adopted the poor thing, someone my mom knows.

So, that was my good deed for the day.

Saving a stray kitten from being squished, quite literally.

Regards, (layout coming SOON, hopefully)


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