Well, I didn't do much yesturday, which means I was forced to do work, wah. I'm too smart to do work, haha. Nah, but I sent in my exam applications, so now all I have to do is wait.

I want to go see spider-man with Stuart and Val and Asher. Yes, you. I just think it would be really really fun to go see it and make mad fun of it, because, that usually is the best thing to do ever

Anyway, I need to buy Hoku a birthday pressie today, So I'm off to wander Waikiki in search for something. I must say, people here sorta scare me. I mean, I'm afraid they'll just start talking to me and then I'll have to get out of the conversation somehow without my money stolen or neck being slit.

But, still.

Come to Hawaii and enjoy our majestic lands. :P

Oh, oh, oh. I watched The Cell last night, and Vince Vaughn is very nice, I'm sorry. He reminds me of someone I know, but I just can't think of who. Anyway. He's nice.

The movie was alright. I got over the gore quickly, and moved on to enjoying the lavish sets. Really really nice sets. Artsy, but it fit. It was a really simple story, so it got kind of eaten up by the pretty pretty sets. And whenever they weren't in anyones head, it was

really boring

especially if you just came from a neat scene inside the pyscho guy's head. Go watch it for Vince Vaughn and the sets.



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0 Many thanks for buying produce!