So. I'm somewhat tired, and how are you?

Yesturday I went to the Birthday party, saw people I remembered knowing, etc. I think it's highly amusing when people you knew at school were really popular and then when you see them later they're so..not.

I mean, when I was at school, it felt like nothing ever changed, and nothing was going to change. Well, it obviously did when I was gone. I swear, I wouldn't trade my time being homeschooled for anything.

I know so much more now, I'm so "aware" of things. I've learned to live without seeing the same people everyday. I've enjoyed it, too. It's done wonders to my confidence level. I very glad that I didn't stay at school.

Yeah, I know, it would have been easier..But I've gotten over that.

Anyway! On lighter, less deep notes, we watched "how high" and I won't even go into bad that was. I got to watch a little bit of Titus, which of course, rocked the house.

The only person who watched it with me was Mckenna, and I was a little surprised, but pleased. Then we watched "The Others" which I have already seen..and that's not a movie you can really see twice, but I enjoyed it anyway.

Acch. There's something I really wanna rant about but I don't think I can. Fruh. I'll do it later.

Regards, little spiders,


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