I feel so giddy, it isn't even funny. And I don't even really know why. Things have kinda gone in a bad direction, too. I may (most likely) not be able to go to New Zealand sunday, because the goverment JUST changed the points needed for a resident visa. (we were looking to move there, remember?) The points needed used to be 25 (these points come from schooling, work, money, age, etc) and my Dad (the primary applicant) had 27. So, we were good, right? WELL, the just raised them to 28. twenty-friggin-eight. There's really no way he could get 28 unless he got a job offer, but it wasn't his plan to work there, etc.

So the goverment of new zealand can kiss my ass for being such meanies. I know, I KNOW, it wasn't personal. But still.

So now we're looking at going back to VA and blah blah blah..

I really don't like telling you guys this because it gives you the impression my family is a bunch of wandering gypsys with all the planets alinged against us.

Well, we aren't gypsys, but there IS an international conspiracy to keep us on this rock. I'm waaay serious.

Phew. I don't really wanna talk about it, for the reasons stated above. But, I don't like going "Well, guess what? blah blah.." and having you guys not know what the hell is going on with me.

Because you care , riight?


Down to the more important things.

Why am I giddy? Well, TNN (thanks tiff :D) is having this Godfather-fathers day thingy, so I got to watch the 1st half of Godfather last night, the second half is on tonight, then Godfather II thursday, etc.

My point? GO WATCH IT. Then we'll have something to talk about.

Oh, yes, and v. v. funny watching Al Pacino talk with a fake swollen cheek, let me tell you.

So, if you tune in tonight, you'll be seeing the 2nd half of The Godfather..and the end of the resturant part! Whooo!

It's uncut, because TNN rules.

Now. I don't even know why this is soo cool, because I have all the Godfathers on DVD. Errm. Maybe it's just..

Al Pacino is v. v. funny (and really kinda sweet) when he talks with that fake swollen cheek?

Oh, I have to go to the bathroom. Can I go to the bathroom?



(get it? get it?!)

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0 Many thanks for buying produce!