Yeah, so.

I really couldn't sleep very well last night. I had disturbing images of me going back to Lynchburg and being at Glass for highschool and all those other bad things that make tummys knot up.

I mean, I'd like to go back. Well. Sorta. I. Just. Don't. Know.


Anyway. The power went out like, two nights ago. That was weeeeeiiirred because like, all of my block went out so it was totally dark. You know how bad it is when you don't even SEE shadows. I mean, the monster must be worse if he's smart enough to not let you see his shadow before he comes and eats you up, right?

I mean, just ponder that.

We saw Episode II today. Second time for me, first for my family. They thought it was alright, and I think all the little kids who go into movie theaters and squeal, talk, hum, giggle, and otherwise annoy me should be SHOT.

Um, because I'm supreme leader of the whole wide world, that's why.

I want my sister's jacket. In fact, I intend to steal it, muahahar. But shh, don't tell her.

I (think) geet too go seee giinnaa on tuesdayy! I can bring over Godfather II (because hey, it was better) and we can watch it and maybe we can dress up as italians and start our own mob!

Not the thuggy, "give me yoh monay and yoh druhgz foo" type of mob, but the snazzy dressing late 50s early 60s mob. The sexy mob.



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0 Many thanks for buying produce!