Know what? I just realised I know like, all of the frigging lines from Lord Of the Rings.

We were watching it last night, and I just know them. It's scary because I want to say them out loud and stuff.

spooky, I know.

Yeah so, I was thinking of a pajama running layout. I'm serious. It could be all..serious, and stuff.

Nick (christina's brother) is funny. I mean, I feel bad, because I laugh when it sometimes isn't even funny. It probably gets annoying, but. Yeah. He's funny.

Christina, on the other hand, is blunt :P but funny. She was the first to mention willem dafoe "looks like a monkey" saying she's pay money to hear him say "I'm a monkey" etc.

Well. Last night I found out he was in a play called "the hairy ape". I foolishly told her, which means I will neeevverrr hear the end of it

Anyway, I got quite a lot of guestbook responses on my little poser rant in the last entry. I thought I'd expand on that, so you all would know MY hard times when little old me was called a poser.


I guess it's because I dress only a little bit like a "punk", but not all the way. I mean, what the hell is a punk? a person who likes blondie etc or something? Jesus christ, some one can enjoy punk music, but not dress like a punk, and get called a poser. And then you can go the other way, which is prolly pretty rare, but what if someone dresses like a "punk" but then likes rap? (ew, i know, rap, icky.) I don't know, it just gets annoying when people make assumpitions. God knows I do it, but the thought stays in my head, where it doesn't hurt anyone. The last thing we need is more teenagers feeling misplaced in the world, and on top of that, having OTHER teens which they thought were like them go and insult them in the worst way. ugh.

it hurts, it stabs you deep down inside, and I'm only being a little sarcastic.

I think the people that know me know I'm meee and not a friggin label. Label, label. label.

they can just go and die.

er. I have to go rent scarface, or else nick will prolly stab me with his knife.

On a lighter note, I've just started reading the other interns Harry Potter!!

go meee! Jennifer says I should be a professional reader.

Gooo meeee!



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