Yeah, yeah, I decided to go see K19 : the widowmaker only because in every single review I've read they always compare it with Das Boot.

Well. They soooooo totally ripped off the begining part from Das Boot, with the under-water backround for the little explaining paragraph.

but other then that, it was no where near as good as das boot. I mean, it was almost like, hmmm, why is this a movie? is it a story or a history channel programme?

And then the parts where the guys had to go in and get totally exposed to the nuclear radiation was pretty hard to watch. I mean, they go in all heroic like and stumble out totally burnt and throwing up. It's really disgusting.

Not only that, it was stupid, because it was all caused by human error. Which made it even worse to take in. But other then that, the movie basically runs on suspense and the backround music. If they had cut out some of the backround music, the movie would have been really, really, really bad.

that makes sense, right?

Anyway, I don't plan on seeing that movie again, even though Liam Neeson is hot and Harrison Ford kinda pulled off a russian accent.

it was just no das boot, that's all.

Mom's leaving tonight. Man, it's gonna be a hard week without her.

I've sorta gotten over my cold. I'll be alright in a few days...AHHH BUT YOU KNOW WHAT?!

OK, so, on friday, I was watching tv alll day because I was sick and in bed, right? So I was flipping channels (I have digital, so it tells you what's on and stuff) and I noticed that "Clear and Present Danger" was on. I thought "oh, harrison ford flick, ehh, not interested."

I only flipped back to that channel ten minutes before the movie ended, because I wanted to watch monk, which was next.

OK, YOU KNOW WHO CO-STARS IN "clear and present danger"??

willem dafoe.

I was SOOOOO mad. I was on for like three hours and I never even..aghh. It was annoying, to say the least.

But, I did get to see willem dafoe save harrison ford's ass, hehehe.

All was not lost, I suppose.

hmm. I better get dressed.



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