
their making me wear pants for the performances, and I'm not even in them! I just sit on the ground! WHY? WHY??

i hate pants. hate them hate them hate them sooo superduperly much.

Oh, wait, you'll want to hear about the kids' performances, right? well.

Group 1 (ages: 7,8,9) : are so bad that they're cute, in a little kid this-is-bad sort of way.

Group 2 (mah group) (ages : 9.5, 10, 11) : Some parts could be better, but over all they've got it down. Nicholas + Zachary climbing a make-belive mountain = pure genius.

Group 3 (ages : 11.5, 12) : The best, only because they're the oldest. Have a really funny artificial heart scene, I basicly only like it because of this cute 12 year old...I know, I know. Don't worry though, I'll keep my hands to myself.

All the interns are fun. It's fun making fun of troy and I think he think's it's fun because it's prolly the only time he gets to hang out (and have dinner with!) four girls. heheheh.

Oh, night before last I watched "Valmont", and Colin Firth is hot so there.

then last night I got to watch Chinatown, which is like one of the best movies EVER, (too bad it has one big plot hole) and Jack Nicholson was hot and the ending always makes me want to throw up.

so anyway, my dad will be very dissapointed in me if I don't wash. hahah.



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