Alright, this'll be my last entry for about 12 days, everyone calm down, I'm sure you'll make it without me.


Anyway, I won't be having that much fun either, we are going to the big island (aka : hawaii) and it's filled with lava rocks and it's cold then it's hot and the rocks poke your feet and then it takes five million years to get from one place to another and there's no decent shopping and well I could go on and make this the longest running sentence ever, but I won't.

I mean, it's nice and all, to an extent. the plane trip is only like 20 minutes, and that's always a plus. And "they" say you can see lava.

whooop-dee-doo. The last time (last summer) I only saw steam coming out of the ocean.

Sorry guys, I'll stop complaining.

Nohea is coming with us (read : old friend) and that's super kick ass.


You know who was on art bell last night???

the crocodile hunter! Steve Erwin! He's soooooo cool. He is officially the coolest crocodile hunter out there. He's so funny, and he's like, super hyper all the time, and he says "crikey" and "mate" and all those strange australia words!

I need to stop writing run-on sentences. But, the croc hunter, man, he is hiiighh-class. I really like him now. Can't you tell?

Anyway, this entry is getting really crappy, because I haven't really done much recently, hence the lack of interesting entrys.

And no, I haven't even gotten the LOTR dvd yet.

Anyway. Have fun in my absence.



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0 Many thanks for buying produce!