Alright everyone, I am back. I am alive, though, just barely. So, you want to know about it? the trip? the so-called "vacation"?

Well, It started off well enough. The first day we were there we saw a movie (Road To Perdition) and that's always fun. Really, there wasn't anything else to do.

I liked Perdition, all but the ending. the ending sucked ass. But the way it was was great. It lacked in some places, but when you have a balding Jude Law with long finger nails and grimy teeth who takes pictures of dead people, it's just awesome. I wanna see it again.

Then I got "the sunburn" yes, I AM GOING TO PUT IT IN QUOTATIONS, because it hurt so damn much.

you guys have no idea. well, maybe some of you do, but still. NO IDEA.

I was MIA for two days after I got it, meaning I slept and watched tv and used up like, two bottles of solorcane. And that isn't even the worst. Don't ask me how, but I got blisters on my face. Only in certain weird spots. They JUST went away. I swear, I looked like mason verger from hannibal. it was that bad.

but did I watch some good tv! I'm now very fond of Denis Leary and Vincent D'Onofrio who was a funny last name that I can't say out loud. (someone who knows can tell me please, so I don't sound like an idiot all the time)

the time frame for Monk was all screwed up, but I managed to stumble upon it, so I was happy for a while.

Oh yeah. I got the sunburn because we rented this boat for a day and went swimming in clear, beatiful water. Dolphins swam right next to our boat, oooh, that made my day. I didn't put that much sunscreen on, and someone up there decided to ruin my fun so I would learn a lesson.

Sunscreen is good. Sunburn is bad.

You see, I have this weird phobia of lotions. I've had it since forever, and I've slowly gotten over the face/body lotion phobia, because they smell good and are nice and soft. But sunscreen? I hated it. I have to like it now, but man, did I hate it. The smell, the way it feels, ugh. nasty nasty nasty.

Then we went up to the Volcano for a few days, went through the Thurston Lava Tube (again) and saw actual. real. red. orange. glowing. lava.

That was pretty spiffy. But the fumes! the fumes kill you. They are so awful, and we weren't even that close. But the fumes. Cough, sting, cough. Not Pleasent.

Anyway. Enough about my absence. I had some good ideas and remembered some things.

You know what? I abused baby jesus. Well. fake baby jesus. I was in kindergarten, and I got to play mary in some christmas thing. Halfway during the program I shoved poor baby jesus under my chair and everyone saw. I also held him "like a football" according to my mom. er.

Does this mean I'm going to hell?

Oh yeah! and about my idea. I think someone should make LOTR bed sheets that have the great tag line :

"Sleep with Legolas!"

"Sleep with Aragorn!"

(or, for those who like more then one)

"Sleep with the Fellowship!"

(or for nasty people)

"Sleep with Saruman!"

etc, etc, etc.

I think that's a pretty good idea.

...and it would sell, too!



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