ok. well, I thought we were gonna go see One Hour Photo today, but the damn microwave guy is here and says "we're going to miss the movie" in not so many words. Mostly he says stuff like :

"hour. grumble. hour."

And then friend comes over wanting to swim, and that's like, the last thing I want to do. But last night. Oh, yes, last night.

Now, If you didn't watch Law & Order : CI, then you won't understand, because, like, the episode last night was so good. so good.

so so so so good.

I almost thought vincent d. was going to take off his shirt. so close, though. man. it was a great episode. just. perfect. he even said "orgy" and smoked.


I have now decided that I hate costco when it's busy, not only is it crowded, it's full of people with


wandering around drooling and pointing at bags of forzen turkeys. Now, usually, I'm a passive, happy person..but when my MOM joins the league of brainless fools crashing carts into displays and stuff, I get angry. I was so mad. SO MAD. But I didn't do anything. I just..was mad. silent anger. If I had said what I wanted to say, I'd be doing time for verbal abuse, or murder or something.



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0 Many thanks for buying produce!