I've decided :

halloween smells like the inside of latex masks.

I spent the night at Isa's (aka, francis) and we had fun. She has the nicest little house out in millilani, it's neat and cold. We watched old law and orders and had long conversations that kept us up till around 4am (!) which is a sleepover-staying-up-late record in my book.

We also discussed the double standard of hollywood and human nakedness, and how a female can be seriously naked in every single way, and even be on screen like that for a long time (not just quick flashes) and males aren't. I mean. Naked women are alright and all, but hey, what about the people who wouldn't mind looking at naked men? I mean, no one needs to be naked, but, just be fair. The funny thing is that we were looking in "the art book" and I found a painting of adam and eve. Ok, So, Eve is totally naked, and adam has a fig leaf on.

man, this double standard has been around since like, 1495. how annoying.

I've also just recently submitted myself for a review, 'cause one of my friends co-runs the site, (i think) and I was just thinking :

what is the perfect diary? I think my diary is perfect, or else I wouldn't let it stay the way it is, and I bet most people think it, even if they don't admit it. (she's coming in close second for perfect diary, though.)

From what I gather, the perfect diary has a wonderful layout that is self-designed, and that appeals to everyone (or, the reviewer, at least) and it updates everyday, is easy to read, but also should be deep and not boring.

heheheh. that's definately not me.

I'm not slamming review sites, don't get the wrong idea, It was just on my mind.

Oh yeah, and don't ever watch panic room, because it's painfully boring and full of tired cliches.



PS : man, was I feeling wordy today or what?

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