well, if I haven't told you yet I better tell you now. My doll costume isn't going to happen. I got to scared to bleach my hair and then the white contacts were more then I wanted to spend for one night with white eyes. So yesturday I went to the thrift store with christina and her mom, and we found this blackish brownish lacy sort of evil princess lord of the dead dress, it fit, so I bought it.

but now I'm having second thoughts and sort of want to be carl for halloween.

I'm so bad at making decisions. maybe I'll wear the dress for the party and be carl the actual halloween night.

oh man, I'm such a flake on costume issues. SUCH A FLAKE.

speaking of flakes, the babysitting deal isn't going to work out for next week, but maybe the week after, she said.

oh well, I can't say I'm surprised, though, she does say she wants to meet up. She, is the english lady, of course.

oh yeah. I recorded the cell. it was on one of my special movie channels. I'm so excited, I love my 8 hour vhs. So now that tape has two L&O :CIs, and the cell.

i should celebrate, somehow.



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0 Many thanks for buying produce!