oh my god. there was a special episode of L&O :CI, and for some reason after watching it I felt like I lost my virginity or SOMETHING.

must have been the part where d'onofrio started talking about penis size. I didn't know you could really be that dirty on tv. Anyway, it sparked a conversation between me and my dad :

Dad : "I think he's gay."

Me : "Um. who?"

Dad : "That guy you like."

Me : "Vincent D'Onofrio?!"

Dad : "Yeah. him."

Me : "Dad. Listen. He. Is. So. Not. Gay."

Dad : "Are you suuuure?"

Me : "YES, ok?"

Dad : "He acted pretty gay in that shoe store scene."

Me : "That's because he was acti--[enter sound of frustration]--Listen, he's not."

Dad : "He has pretty big feet."

Me : "I know. Jealous?"

I have pretty weird conversations with my dad.



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0 Many thanks for buying produce!