
the reason why I haven't been updating normally is because my internet is totally down at home, and the office computer I usually use is LOCKED inside my dad's office, and he has to find the key, because he's the only one who has it. that's just crazy, I know.

So anyway. On tuesday I got my ear thing removed. I had SURGERY. I was convinced a pygmy alien was going to pop out and eat everyone and cause a national uproar, but alas, it did not. I think it's waiting paitently in the other ear. that sneaky, sneaky thing.

my costume is awesome, I will try to get pictures. I also checked out a book on cannabalism from the library.

it's my new best friend.

carl says : happy halloweeeeen!



well, fuck. my halloween layout would be up but alas, the layout html is on my computer at home which does not have the internet. fuckfuckfuck. happy halloween, all the same, you little goblins.

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0 Many thanks for buying produce!