well, I think the internet is going to be reconnected at home today. I hope. My halloween was pretty fun. I must say I was freaked out by the random 40somethings who answer their doors and yell "I Vaaant to Suuuck you Vloooood!" and keep a straight face while doing it. I got some pretty weird candy, ie, "swedish fish", whatever the hell that is. I hear it's red gummy fish but my dad thinks it's the kind of candy that people tamper with. oh well.

I spent the night at francis's, and we stayed up till about 2am watching the silence of the lambs, which I have seen like 10 million times so it no longer scares me in the least, but she hadn't seen it, so it's always fun to watch people squirm. Then on friday we went to the academy of arts and acted like grow ups and ate soup and ice cream at the artsy cafe. thank god it didn't have a minimum, because I only had $5 and together we managed to spend only $6.30. hehe.

Then we got stalked for a while by these two guys, and that was fun.

On saturday I saw the ring with christina. Awful, awful movie. very stupid, not to mention not scary at all. I mean, horses killing themselves because of some unexplained wicked girl (why was she evil? why?) and a cursed video tape? oh god, make it STOP.

Some people like the way it was directed, but come on, how original are wide panning shots? most of it was in grey tones, to match the evil VHS tape, which is probably why the movie seemed to go so slowly. Oh yeah, that reminds me, the pacing of the movie was fucked, too. it was just bad. But see it if your curious, and decide for yourself. The only bright light was the evil video tape itself, which was the most imaginative thing in the whole movie.

anyway, highlight of that day, I got to sneak in to the end of auto focus, and I had this awesome ice cream stuff with christina.

On sunday I did nothing except buy some orange fabric with little ghosties on it, which I plan to make a skirt with.

oh, yeah, and on sunday's L&O : CI, was it just me, or did D'Onofrio look thinner? and tan?

man, I love that show.



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0 Many thanks for buying produce!