yes I'm still alive, don't worry. The internet is STILL down at my house and it's become more annoying then ever. I'm forced to watch bad sitcoms instead of surf my beloved internet, bah.

So anyway. We have a performance in less then two weeks, and I seriously hope we can pull it off, because duncan and sherri STILL don't have all their lines memorized. On top of that, the line sherri always forgets, cues one of my lines wich results in a prop change and if I say the line afterthe prop line and skip the prop line, it does not make sense

she's done that like 5 times. Can you think of anything more annoying?

well, actually, last rehersal duncan was be a stubborn ass, haha, when my director changed around the set for the 'boys cabin'. He started whining about his bed, where is his bed, he needs his bed, he must have the bed, where is his bed, when he doesn't even USE the fucking bed EVER AT ALL. And you never insult or whine at your director like that, ever. Jamie is just a softie, she's not an iron fist, but she is a good director. You need to be my director.

some people make it very difficult to not kill them in an act of rage.

Yeah, so, I have to take the bus home today, wish me luck little fishies.

oh, yeah, and if you need more of me, go read my livejournal my updates there are usually pretty different then these..and I'm not sure when I'll update again. most likely monday.

oh the suspense!



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0 Many thanks for buying produce!