And I was sitting waiting for the Plastic surgeon to inject my ear with magical liquid so my celiod won't grow back, when I was surprised to see one of the nurses carrying a glass jar of melted FAT, freshly sucked out of some rich lady. She said hi to me and went her way. She came back with some 409 spray, and said to another nurse walking past with another jar of melted FAT, "you gotta watch out, that stuff is splashy."

oh my god. If only I could make this stuff up.

The after that I asked the Doctor if he did the actual surgerys here, since the office isn't in a hospital, just a medical building, and he said :

"Heh-heh-heh, YUP, we just finished a tummy tuck, in fact."

Then he pricked my ear at such an angle I could see him doing it in the mirror they have in the room.

that was basicly my day today.

how chic.



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0 Many thanks for buying produce!