Wow. Sunday, the film workshop :

So, I arrive at the film workshop, greet Isa the formerly chipmunk cheeked super hero, we catch up, then are escorted into the theater were it takes place. We spot a Philip Seymor Hoffman look alike (even sound alike!) and giggle but don't have the guts to go and talk to him. Finally the thing begins, and a total of eight "teens" show up. Three girls there for extra credit, three boys there, one I know, the others look bored and unhappy. Me and Isa know better.

The first half was basically four middle aged guys who are in the independent movie "business" and how it all sucks for them, we aren't rich, the business isn't a business at all, making 35mm prints is EXPENSIVE ($45,000 for one, which is pretty steep. wait. maybe it was 4,500? anyway) etc, etc, etc.

That lasted a few hours, then we got a lunch break and I got one of the best deals in town! Subway kids pack, $2.30 for a drink, sandwich and twwooo cookies! Much better then buying a 35mm print. Anyway. Isa and I sat down and began to eat, when one of the guys who was just sitting around during the workshop, meaing he wasn't important, sat down and started to talk to us.

UMMM. That would of been alright if he didn't look like a pedophile, but guys, he did. You have no idea how thankful I was to have a sandwhich to focus on. You could just see his life : Empty fridge, sleeps on couch, tv with bunny ears, no free sex since 78', needless to say, listening to him was painful.

Break ended, some random things happened, some really stupid person let us have a $4,000 camera to make our own "movie" and we go outside and start interviewing random people about films (ie, "which do you like better, independent films or studio, blah blah, etc) and that took a few hours. Then it was time to edit, and you guys, editing is SO BORING.

so so so so boring. One thing came out of it, though. See, there was this one guy who was part of the middle aged pity party, he came back and was observing us editing, and ohmygosh, i noticed this before but not as much, you guys he was wearing :


things happened between me and Isa that I cannot explain, for it was one of those "you had to be there" type of things. Anyway. Very, very tight pants.

By then it was time for Isa and I to complete our spy mission, which was to give a stranger a drawing of mr. fish . She gave her's to one of the filmmakers, who was very impressed, and I finally gave mine away, after many fluttering butterflies and missed oppertunties, mind you, to this blonde haired mid-to-late 30's tall, thin, glasses wearing movie goer who was adorable in his own right. He sort of smiled when I gave it to him, explaining that it was my mission, he asked it he had to do anything with it and I smiled and said "no, keep it, throw it away, whatever." then I ran away and watched him open it from a secret spy place, he laughed at mr. fish and folded it back up and put it in his pocket. I have a strange feeling we're in love, but I doubt I'll ever see him again.

Anyway, it was very sweet, etc. The we watched a screeing of our film, which was actually very cute in the end, coming in at only 4 minutes. I had to run out because by then it was around 7:30 pm and dinner was at 8!

It was an interesting day, to say the least.



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0 Many thanks for buying produce!